The Fertility and Reproduction Studies Group
at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Oxford University

Since 2010, Dr Philip Kreager has been the group’s director, Current senior members include Dr Nadine Beckmann, Dr Yuliya Hilevich, Dr Konstantina Isidoros, Dr Susie Kilshaw, Dr Siân Pooley, Dr Kaveri Qureshi, Dr Elizabeth Rahman, Professor Alison Shaw, Dr Paula Sheppard, Dr. Laura Sochas and Dr Soraya Tremayne. Its major publications include the Fertility, Reproduction, and Sexuality series with Berghahn Books (now numbering over 50 volumes), major Oxford University Press syntheses (The Anthropological Demography of Health (2020) and Low Fertilities in the Past and Present (in press)), and special issues of journals such as the Women’s Studies International Forum. Group seminars in recent years have enjoyed collaboration with the Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology; the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle; the Centre on Migration, Policy, and Society, and the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology (both Oxford); and the Université Paris Descartes/Centre Population et Développement.

The Fellows and Associates of FRSG have the pleasure of giving many thanks to Denise Juppé for the design and execution of this website. Photographs, unless otherwise stated, are from Fellows’ research, with added thanks for contributions from Elisabeth Schröder-Butterfill and Laurence LaLanne-Devlin.