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Dr. Laura Sochas: Curriculum Vitae and Publications


Current academic appointments


Leverhulme Early Career Fellow

Social Policy, School of Social and Political Science, Edinburgh

(to be appointed as a Chancellor’s Fellow in 2025)




2020     PhD in Population Studies/Demography, London School of Economics. London, UK


2016     MSc in Social Research Methods, London School of Economics, London, UK


2011     Masters of Public Administration (International Development), London School of Economics, London, UK


2007     BA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (First Class Hons), University of Oxford, Merton College, UK



Employment History


2020-2022        Postdoctoral researcher in the political economy of health. Department of Social Policy and                                Intervention, University of Oxford.

2019-2020        Research officer. Adolescents, contraception and abortion in Malawi, Ethiopia and Zambia,                                 London School of Economics.

2019                 Research assistant. Causal impact of retirement on health in UK women. Worklong project,                                 Kings College London.

2019                 Research assistant. Interviewer effects and abortion in African DHS, London School of                                         Economics.

2011-2015        Technical Advisor. Options Consultancy Services, London.

Research Awards


2023                 British Society of Population Studies Early Career Award. September 2023

2022-2025        Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship. “Policing Reproduction via Migration and Family Policies:                               Stress, Stigma & Health”.

2021-2022        ESRC Impact Acceleration Account. “Health Risk - A social determinants of health strategy                                    game for trade unions”. 04/2021-03/2022 (£19,739)

2021                Titmuss Prize for outstanding PhD Thesis in Social Policy at LSE for 2020/21.

2017-2019        ESRC Advanced Quantitative Methods Award

2015-2019        ESRC Doctoral Studentship











Reeves, A., Sochas, L. “When do democratic transitions reduce or increase mortality? Exploring the role of non-violent resistance.” Social Science & Medicine. December 2022; 


SSochas, L., Reeves, A. “Does collective bargaining reduce health inequalities between labour market insiders and outsiders?”. Socio-Economic Review. September 2022;


Sochas, L. (2021) “Challenging categorical thinking: a mixed methods approach to explaining health inequalities”. Social Science & Medicine. July 2021;


Leone, T., Sochas, L., Coast, E. (2021) "Depends who's asking: interviewer effects in Demographic and Health Surveys abortion data". Demography. January 2021;


Sochas, L. (2020) The predictive power of health system environments: a novel approach to explaining inequalities in access to maternal healthcare. BMJ Global Health. February 2020; 4:e002139


Sochas, L. (2019) Women who break the rules: Social exclusion and inequities in pregnancy and childbirth experiences in Zambia. Social Science & Medicine. 232, pp.278-288. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.05.013


Sochas, L., Channon, A. & Nam, S. (2017) Counting indirect crisis-related deaths in the context of a low- resilience health system: the case of maternal and neonatal health during the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone. Health Policy and Planning. 32 (suppl. 3), pp.ii32-ii39.


ten Hoope Bender, P., Nove, A., Sochas, L., Matthews, Z., Homer, C., Pozo Martin, F. (2017) The 'Dream Team' for sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn and adolescent health: an adjusted service target model to estimate the ideal mix of health care professionals to cover population need. Human Resources for Health. 15:46.


Campbell, J., Sochas, L., Cometto, G., Matthews, Z. (2016) Evidence for action on improving the maternal and newborn health workforce: the basis for quality care. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics. 132 (1). January 2016. pp.126-9.






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