Fertility and Reproduction Seminars: 2009-2011
Cousin Marriages and the Medicalisation of Spouse Selection
Michaelmas Term 2011
11:00 am – 12:30 pm, Seminar Room, 61 Banbury Road

Credit: Sony Stark
Week 1 Saskia Walentowitz, University of Berne
10th Oct “We are like gold: without alloys, we won’t stand upright”: Siblingship, close-kin marriage and the autopoïetic dynamics of Tuareg kinship
Week 2 Dawn Chatty, University of Oxford and Nisrine Mansour, University of Oxford
17th Oct “They aren’t all first cousins”: Bedouin marriage in Lebanon
Week 3 Alison Shaw, University of Oxford
24th Oct Why does British Pakistani cousin marriage persist despite an established discourse of genetic risk?
Week 4 Claire Beaudevin, Cermes3 (CNRS UMR 8211) / University Paris Descartes
31st Oct Composite proximity, genetic burden and social value: cousin marriage and inherited blood disorders in the Sultanate of Oman
Week 5 Laila Prager, University of Münster
7th Nov From shared ‘blood’ to ‘religious genes’: Modern bio-medical discourses and changing practices of cousin marriage in southeastern Turkey
Week 6 Edien Bartels, Oka Storms, Marieke Teeuw, Pascal Borry and Leo ten Kate, Vrije University/VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
14th Nov Genetic risk and its influence on partner choice: the views of Turks and Moroccans in the Netherlands
Week 7 Anika Liversage, National Centre for Social Research, Denmark and Mikkel Rytter, Aarhus University
21st Nov “A cousin marriage is a forced marriage!” Rules, discourses and strategies of immigrant cousin marriages in Denmark
Week 8 Aviad Raz, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
28th Nov Dor Yesharim and the reinforcement of stigma: selective incorporation of premarital carrier testing into traditional
matchmaking processes among ultra-orthodox Jews in Israel

Conveners: Alison Shaw, Aviad Raz and Philip Kreager
Reproduction, Family and Changing Concepts of Childhood
Michaelmas Term 2010
Mondays, 11 am–12:30 pm, Seminar Room, 61 Banbury Road

Week 1 Philip Kreager, Oxford University
11th Oct Whose child? Whose children? Indonesian reflections on the ends of reproduction
Week 2 Maya Unnithan, Sussex University and Sylvie Dubuk, Oxford University
18th Oct Child sex-selection among Indian couples in Britain
Week 3 Daniel Sellen, University of Toronto
25th Oct Infant and young child nutrition and care: Diversities, disparities and inequities
Week 4 Zeynep Gurtin-Broadbent, Cambridge University
1st Nov Conceiving children: Turkish IVF patients and imagined parenthood
Week 5 Heather Montgomery, Open University
8th Nov Childhood and global reproduction
Week 6 Shirin Garmaroudi, Tuebingen
15th Nov Changes in the concept of childhood? Kinship and reproduction in the contemporary Shiite Iran
Week 7 Daphna Carmeli-Birenbaum, Haifa University
22nd Nov Blessed with children: Israeli reproduction in the age of globalisation
Week 8 Marcia Inhorn, Yale University
29th Nov ‘He won’t be my son’: Middle Eastern Muslim men’s discourses of adoption and gamete donation

Conveners: Soraya Tremayne, Renate Barber and Nadine Beckmann
Reproduction and Age
Michaelmas Term 2009
Mondays, 11 am–12:30 pm, Seminar Room, 61 Banbury Road
Week 1 Renate Barber, Oxford University
12th Oct Changing reproductive ages
Week 2 Ann Berrington, University of Southampton
19th Oct Fertility Postponement and Recuperation: demographic trends in childbearing in Europe
Week 3 Christina Hellmich, Reading University
26th Oct Overcoming early marriage - improving women's reproductive health?
Week 4 Philip Kreager, Oxford University
2nd Nov Who is disadvantaged by population ageing? Looking beneath the demographic models to the ethnography in Indonesia
Week 5 Maya Unnithan, Sussex University
9th Nov Culture and reproductive ageing
Week 6 Aditiya Baradwaj, Edinburgh University
16th Nov The long road to conception: infertility, suffering and assisted conception in India
Week 7 Michael Parker and Soraya Tremayne, Oxford University:
23rd Nov Understanding the ethical implications of reproductive age in global context
Week 8 ABernhard Hadolt, University of Vienna
30th Nov Timing parenthood: age, technicity and reproductive decision making in the era of assisted reproductive technology
Conveners: Renate Barber, Philip Kreager and Soraya Tremayne
Seminar Themes since 1998:
Fertility: Links between fertility and sexuality, reproductive ecology, identity, adoption , ageing, and infertility.
Population: Population mobility and regulation of fertility, the significance of mortality, population policies, objectifying demographic identities.
Assisted reproductive technologies: Sterilisation, gamete donation, procreative liberty and the future of children, bioethics.
Methodological issues: Quantitative and qualitative methods of studying reproductive health, the contribution of anthropology to reproductive health studies and policies.
Motherhood: Development programmes and safe motherhood, birth practices, maternal and child health.
Childbirth practices: Birth in marginal places, unattended birth, multiple fatherhood, birth and religion.
Ethnobotany, fertility and sexuality: Use of plants and herbs in fertility, infertility, gender and ethnobotany.
Body weight and reproduction: Cultural perspectives on the body, nutrition and reproductive practices.
Reproduction, religion and law
Reproduction and kinship
Age and reproduction
Religion, sexuality and transgression
Sexuality and reproduction