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 Fertility and Reproduction Seminars: 2012-2015

La Donna Gravida

Raphael, Italy, 1506

Week 1          Sarah Bailey, University of Southampton

12th Oct       How do women cope with recurrent miscarriage and what can we do to help them?


Week 2         Ginny Mounce, University of Surrey, and Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Oxford

19th Oct       ‘Paying Attention to the Journey’ – Couples’ Experiences of Investigating and Starting Infertility Treatments


Week 3         Raj Rai, Imperial College and St Mary’s Hospital, London

26th Oct       Medical and Psychological Issues in the Treatment of Recurrent Miscarriage: the Role of Clinical Trials

                      and Ways of Addressing the Potential Exploitation of Vulnerable Couples


Week 4         Susie Kilshaw, Department of Anthropology, University College London

2nd Nov       Birds in Heaven: Social Positioning of Lost Babies and their Mothers in Qatar


Week 5         Ingrid Granne, Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Oxford

9th Nov        Does 21st-Century Technology Change the Experience of Early Pregnancy and Miscarriage?


Week 6         Sayani Mitra, University of Göttengen                                  

16th Nov      Reproductive Disruptions during Surrogacy: End of a Beginning?


Week 7         Petra Boynton, Miscarriage Association

23rd Nov      Forgotten Voices


Week 8          Marie-FranÒ«oise Besnier, University of Cambridge

30th Nov      The ‘Unfortunate Mesopotamian Foetus’: Pregnancy Loss and Miscarriage in the Ancient Near East

'Miscarriage': a Social, Medical and Conceptual Problem


Michaelmas Term 2015


11:00 am – 12:30 pm, Seminar Room, 64 Banbury Road


This seminar series explores the loaded medical term  ‘miscarriage’ from diverse cultural, historical and medical perspectives, and considers whether an alternative conceptualisation is possible.

Mother and Child

Kitagawa Utamaro, Japan, circa 1793

Convened by Suzannah Williams (Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology) and Katie Borg and Philip Kreager (FRSG) 

Convened by Suzannah Williams (Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology) and Katie Borg and Philip Kreager (FRSG) 

Infant Feeding: Nurture and Nourishment


Michaelmas Term 2014


Mondays, 11 am–12:30 pm, Seminar Room, 64 Banbury Road

Week 1         Bronwen Gillespie, University of Sussex

13th Oct      Negotiating nutrition: from baby to toddler in the Peruvian Andes

Week 2         Leah Astbury, University of Cambridge

20th Oct      Hiring a wet nurse in seventeenth century England 


Week 3        Margaret Carlyle, University of Cambridge

27th Oct      Breastpump technology and ‘natural’ motherly milk in Enlightenment France 


Week 4         Christine McCourt & Juliet Rayment, London City University

3rd Nov       Bangladeshi women’s experiences of infant feeding in Tower Hamlets


Week 5         Sarah O’NeillInstitute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp

10th Nov      How to protect your newborn from neonatal death: spirits and infant feeding practices in the Gambia


Week 6         Mara Mabilia, University of Padova                                

17th Nov      Revisiting breastfeeding in light of the gift logic. Is a comparison of Gogo and Italian women possible? 


Week 7         Alice Reid, University of Cambridge

24th Nov      Infant feeding and child health and survival in early twentieth century England


Week 8         Françoise Barbira-Freedman, University of Cambridge

1st Dec         From Amazonian couvade to neo-couvade in cosmopolitan trends of co-parenting: a comparative analysis

Conveners: Dr Kaveri Qureshi and Dr Elizabeth Rahman. Funded by the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology and the Galton Institute

Generational Change in Reproductive Cultures


Michaelmas Term 2013


Mondays, 11 am–12:30 pm, Seminar Room, 64 Banbury Road

Week 1          Angela Davis, University of Warwick

14th Oct        Generational change and continuity amongst British mothers: the sharing of beliefs, knowledge and practice, c.1940-1990


Week 2         Charlotte Faircloth and Ellie Lee, University of Kent

21st Oct       Contextualising the ‘new parenting culture’: historical and sociological perspectives on adult-child relations


Week 3         Val Gillies, London South Bank University and Rosalind Edwards, University of Southampton

28th Oct       Local Historical comparative analysis of family and parenting: exploring changing meanings and experiences


Week 4         Elizabeth Rahman, University of Oxford

4th Nov       Caring and being cared-for in North-western Amazonia


Week 5         Punita Chowbey, Sheffield Hallam University

11th Nov      ‘Feed them nuggets of gold, but watch them with the eye of a tiger!’: British South Asian fathers talking about memories of their own fathers


Week 6         Robert Pralat, University of Cambridge                                 

18th Nov     ‘Don’t worry, you’ll be a grandmother soon!’: how non-heterosexual people talk about parenthood with their own parents


Week 7         Ekaterina Hertog, University of Oxford

25th Nov      I did not know how to tell my parents, so I thought I would have to have an abortion’: intergenerational negotiations of premarital pregnancies in Japan


Week 8         Adom Philogene Heron, University of St Andrews

2nd Dec       Grandfatherhood in the Antilles: kinship, senescence and the inward journey of the elder man

Conveners: Dr Kaveri Qureshi, Dr Siân Pooley. Funded by the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology and the Galton Institute

Reproduction and Social Differentiation: Fertility Variation of Sub-Populations in Comparative Perspective


Michaelmas Term 2012


Mondays, 4:30–6:00 pm, Seminar Room, 61 Banbury Road

Week 1         Erica van der Sijpt, University of Amsterdam

8th Oct        Altering Aspirations and Actualities:  Differentials of Reproductive Navigation in Eastern Cameroon


Week 2         Sarah Walters, LSHTM

15th Oct       Writing African Micro-Demography Using Parish Registers


Week 3         Patrick Heady, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle

22nd Oct      Local Influences – Kinship and the Role of Spatial Strategies in European Fertility


Week 4         Julia Pauli, Hamburg University

29th Oct      The Children of the Elite: Generation, Reproduction and Economic differentiation in a Namibian Community


Week 5         Sara Randall, UCL, Nathalie Mondain, University of Ottowa, Alioune Diagne, INDEPTH Network

5th Nov       Accra, Ghana: Men, Fertility Control and Contraception in Senegal


Week 6         Eleanor Hukin, London School of Economics

12th Nov     ‘The Doctor’s Way’: Traditional Contraception and Modernity in Cambodia


Week 7         Sophie RocheZentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin and Sophie HohmannInstitut National d’Ếtudes Démographiques, Paris

19th Nov      Between the Central Laws of Moscow and Local Particularity


Week 8         Mona Schrempf, Humboldt University of Berlin, University of Westminster

26th Nov      What Makes the Difference? Fertility, Birth Control, and Subjectivity among Tibetan Women in China’s Family Planning

Conveners: Dr. Philip Kreager and Dr. Astrid Bochow


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