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Dr. Kaveri Qureshi: Recent Publications

(2019) Chronic Illness in a Pakistani labor diaspora, Durham: Carolina Academic Press.
(2016) Marital Breakdown among British Asians: conjugality, legal pluralism and new kinship, London: Palgrave, Shortlisted for the BSA Philip Abrams Memorial Prize 2017.
Co-edited books and special issues
(2022) co-edited with S Pooley. Parenthood between generations: transforming reproductive cultures. Oxford: Berghahn. (First edition published in 2016).
(2022) co-edited with P Jeffery. ‘Muslim Woman/Muslim women: lived experiences beyond religion and gender in South Asia and its diasporas’, special issue of Contemporary South Asia.
(2020) edited with V. Petit, Y. Charbit and P. Kreager. The Anthropological Demography of Health, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
(2017) co-edited with E Rahman. ‘Infant feeding: medicalization, the state and techniques of the body', special issue of Women’s Studies International Forum.
(2016) co-edited with S Pooley. Parenthood between generations: transforming reproductive cultures, Oxford: Berghahn, Fertility, Reproduction and Sexuality series.
Relevant recent articles and chapters
(2018) 'Marriage, Islamic advice literature and its women readers', Contemporary Levant, 3(1): 34-43.
(2017) with A Qureshi and Z Khawaja. 'Where there is no weighing scale: newborn nourishment and care in Pakistani Punjab', Women's Studies International Forum, 60 (Jan-Feb): 128-35.
(2016) ‘First-time parenthood among migrant Pakistanis: gender and generation in the postpartum period’, forthcoming in K Qureshi and S Pooley (eds) Parenthood between Generations: Transforming Reproductive Cultures, Oxford: Berghahn.
(2016) 'Shehri (city) brides between Indian Punjab and the U.K.: transnational hypergamy, Sikh women's agency and gendered geographies of power', Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(7): 1216-28.
(2015) ‘Migration, belonging and the body that births: Pakistani women in Britain’, pp.14-32 in M Unnithan and S Khanna (eds) The Cultural Politics of Reproduction: Migration, Health, and Family Making, Oxford: Berghahn
(2014) with K Charsley and A Shaw, 'Marital Instability among British Pakistanis: transnationalism, conjugality and Islam', Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37(2): 361-79.
(2013) ‘Sabar: body politics among middle-aged Pakistani migrant women’, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 19(1): 120-137.
(2012) ‘Pakistani labour migration and masculinity: industrial work, the body and transnationalism’, Global Networks, 12(4): 485-504.
(2010) ‘Sickness, dreams and moral selfhood among migrant Pakistani Muslims’, Anthropology & Medicine, 17(3): 277-87.

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